Tetrahedron brooch - gold foil on grey leather

RAF Fylingdales gold foil embossed on dark grey leather brooch.jpg
RAF Fylingdales gold foil embossed on dark grey leather brooch.jpg

Tetrahedron brooch - gold foil on grey leather


RAF Fylingdales
Motto: Vigilamus ('We are watching').

RAF Fylingdales is a military base on the North York Moors. Built during the Cold War, it forms part of the Ballistic Missile Early Warning System (BMEWS) and United States’ National Missile Defence plan. Its original radomes were replaced by a tetrahedron, with the radars on each face tracking over 5556km in 360 degrees.

Gold foil embossed on grey leather, backed in coral leather.

80mm x 50mm x 0.5mm.

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